helping to enable and accelerate devops


About Jonathan Wright

I currently work as an Automation and Operations Engineer specialising in Linux-based systems and Amazon Web Services as part of a major DevOps consultancy working with FTSE 100 and FTSE 250 companies and multi-national firms across Europe. I graduated from Cardiff University in 2005, and I have almost 20 years experience in working with Linux systems. Since 2010 I have been working under the DevOps methodology, working heavily around on automation of systems at all levels, as well as accelerating development and deployment of features and fixes for the business.

Personal Projects

For details on some of my personal projects and things I like to contribute to, see my GitHub Page. More details will be added soon.


This website wouldn’t be possible without many items contributed as part of various Open Source projects, small and large. This page is intended to be a reference to everything that has been used as a thanks back to those that create and work on them. jQuery (MIT License) highlight.js (BSD 3-clause License) fancyBox (GPLv3 License) FontAwesome5 Pro (Font Awesome 5 Pro Commercial License) normalize.css (MIT License) Encode Sans (Open Font Licence) Josefin Sans (Open Font Licence) Fredericka the Great (Open Font Licence) This site and the content within it (unless otherwise indicated) are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.